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Historic Decisions


The links below should take you to information about the decisions on planning applications which may help us in our work.



60 Outram Road

Demolition of existing building. erection of three storey building comprising  5 x 2 bedroom and 2 x 3 bedroom flats. provision of  associated access and 3 parking spaces, integrated cycle storage for 14 bikes and refuse store.

6 Ashburton Road

Convert to 7 flats with 2/3 storey extension

28 Elgin Road

To erect a second floor side extension

28 Elgin Road

The development proposed is an extension on outshot of building to provide a bathroom
on second floor. Alterations to ground floor entrance to improve access.

30 Elgin Road

The development proposed was described as ‘proposed extension to outshot on second
floor to balance proposal for No 28 which is subject to a planning application’.

Mead Court, 66 Outram Road

Construction of third floor to provide an additional 3 one bedroom flats and provision of additional 3 parking spaces










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