The new Committee has representatives from all roads. We have a new treasurer. Deirdre Rainbow has accepted the invitation and has come back to this role after a few years’ break. We thanked Nicholas Hewlett for his contribution whilst he was on the committee and was leading the Traffic issue on behalf of the HOME RA. The traffic campaign is ongoing, with the results of a TFL survey due soon. A lot of work had been done on planning during the past year, with good engagement with the Council and easy access to planning applications through the HOME website. Other activities had included playstreets in Havelock Road, clean ups, including control of graffiti, and more planting at the side of the Triangle, as well as a Quiz night and Carol singing.
We had a chance to hear and speak to our MP Sarah Jones, the Safer Neighbourhood officer Alex Maxted, and our councillors Jeet Bains and Maddie Henson. We are very grateful to the Ismaili community for opening their beautiful building for us as a venue, to have a tour as part of the Open London weekend, and for giving us refreshments and hot drinks. The meeting was well attended with over 30 residents.