58 Ashburton Road CR0 6AN
Comment by 9 January 2025
Alterations, change of use to a children's care home for up to 5 children/young people (class C2 use)
The best comments are those that relate to the planning framework. Some reasons you could use:
- Layout and density of the building (i.e. accommodation for too many people)
- Over-development of the site
- Loss of light or overshadowing (relevant for immediate neighbours)
- Overlooking / loss of privacy (relevant for immediate neighbours)
- Visual amenity (e.g. removing the chimneys)
- Adequacy of parking (relevant for those living in the same road)
- Traffic generation (relevant for those living in the same road)
- Noise and disturbance resulting from use
- Effect on listed building and conservation area
- Landscaping (loss of trees / any green garden)
- Design, appearance and materials
N.B. You can’t object on the basis that the development will reduce the value of your own property.
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